Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Smells Like Autumn!!

The title says it all. For me, autumn is by far the best season of the year. The changing colors, the cooler weather, the dying of all of those pesky insects.....ah. I hate heat, so I'm not a big fan of the summer. I love winter, but fall is the best. It's nippy, but not freezing. Perfect time for camping trips and bonfires.

The biggest fall activity at my house is going down to the creek. Yes, that is it's technical name. There is a steep valley by my house, and when fall comes and all of the wood ticks die, we go down to our little camp. By that time, the creek is pretty much dried up, but there are still little ponds scattered about. We clean up the campsite that the spring floods have ravaged, then build a fire and stuff ourselves with marshmallows. After that, we'll probably go exploring. I live way out in the middle of nowhere, in a forest. Therefore, we can forage on for hours and hours in one direction, and still be in the middle of nowhere. It's amazing.

When I was younger, we would always play cowboys and horses down at the creek. We were the horses, and we were running away from the cowboys. Very exciting, as I'm sure you can imagine. ;)

When we do get around to going down to the creek, I'll be sure to post pictures. It's kind of hard to find a time to do it, what with college and this annoying thing called "adult responsibility". *sigh*

Sunday, September 23, 2012

So, It's Been Awhile...

Yes, I realize that I have neglected to post recently. A lot has been going on though. For one, I started college about a month ago.

(except, add a few more bills to the stack) 

Luckily, I have scholarships that are paying for my first year and part of my second, which is VERY good. I'm enjoying the "college life", whatever that means. My schedule is working out very well, and I'm doing fairly decently in all of my classes. Well, except for college algebra. Yeesh. Let's not talk about that. 

Something that excites me: 

The Avengers comes out on Tuesday!!!!! Now, for those who don't know, I was/am/will continue to be obsessed with this movie. I saw it seven times in theater cuz it's awesome!!!! One of the best movies I've ever seen! And no, it's NOT because I might have a crush on Robert Downey Jr.......okay, maybe just a little bit. But seriously, it's an amazing movie. You should see it. 

Something I'm even more excited about: (if that's even possible)

I'm an ultimate frisbee addict. It's a game like football, but with a frisbee. Kinda. Anyway, our youth group leader started us playing it for a half hour before church, and we're all addicted. In fact, now that I've moved out of youth group (sobs) I'm literally having withdrawals. So, I convinced Christian, the youth group leader, to set up a big ultimate frisbee tournament with another church. We've got a couple of really good players in the youth group, one of them is my best friend Ryan. (I introduced him in an earlier post, you may recall) He's really good. I'm good sometimes, but sometimes, I do stupid stuff, like drop it. I'm a lot better than I was at the beginning though. Well, not like I could be much worse. Anyway, I am SUPER STOKED about it!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!

In a nutshell, that's kinda what's going on in my life at the moment. Well, the things I remembered right now, anyway. Have a beautiful Sunday!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Red Lipstick...I'm afraid I'm in love.

Potential readers beware. The following post contains several pictures of me wearing red lipstick, which may be frightening to some.
That being said, I recently bought some red lipstick, and took a few pictures for editing purposes. (I LOVE editing pictures!)

None of these pics do a very good job of showing who I really am, because in real life, I'm just about the farthest thing from sexy and 'hot'. But hey, it's fun to pretend, right? lol
 Yeah, see what I mean?


 My best friend likes this one the best.

So yeah, there you have it. I don't think I'll ever take another picture again without red lipstick! 

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Group

Last night, I had a wonderful time at my friend Gerald's house with my closest group of friends. You've already met Becky (from the Shopping! post) but you haven't met Ryan and Gerald.

I've known Ryan as an aquaintance, not really a friend, literally since I was born. We're about two months apart (yes, I am his elder) and we both grew up in the church, but I don't really remember him that well. You see, he was always the smart kid in all of our classes. He did higher math when we were in first grade. Yeah. And I was in the group of kids who only lived for recess and reading time. So yeah, we never interracted or anything, up until when we were sixteen or seventeen, and I got to know him better because I got a phone, and we started texting, and became good buddies. Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't want to slap him around every now and then, but hey, it's the mark of true friendship. lol XP

Gerald, I really got to know in my senior year of high school. In a word: awesome. Gerald is just awesome. He's Ryan's best friend (they're dorming together) and he is also extremely smart, and hardworking, which isn't Ryan so much. I wish I could relate to you all of the hilarious conversations I've had with Gerald, from catapulting children to his imaginary girlfriend, Edna, but alas, it would take too long, and it wouldn't be as funny coming from me. >_>

This is all of us at Homecoming last year. Becky and I were not in it, but Ryan and Gerald were handsome escorts.
So yeah, there we all are. Ryan is the ginger next to me (I'm in the green dress), and Gerald is the tall one next to Becky. =)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


No, not that, anything but that!!! *breaks down and cries* I'm too young to die!
*ahem* Okay folks, maybe I'm not THAT dramatic about it really, but seriously, college? Already? When exactly did this whole growing up thing happen? I'm pretty sure I didn't agree to this...

I start college on Monday, and let me tell you, I am pretty nervous-ish. Why I say nervous-ish is because I rarely ever get really *nervous*. Sure, I'll be nervous to the point of twitching on Monday morning, but until then, well, I'm pretty good.

One of the main things that's making me nervous-ish (man, my spell check is hating me at the moment) is finding the places where my classes are. I'm going to a community college, and only two of my classes are at the same place. I think. I've never been to two of the places, I've never even heard of one of them, and I've been to the last one, but I don't know how to get there. *sigh* So, needless to say, I will be starting out on Monday QUITE early to allow for the inevitable event of my getting lost.

It's weird, because a year ago at this time, I wasn't even contemplating college. It was not even really an option. Then I went back to school after being homeschooled for several years, and, heh, Peer Pressure reared its head. Yep, I'm serious, that's the main reason I decided to go to college. Pretty pathetic, right? I'm only human though. *gasp* No! =O Yes yes, it's true. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret my decision *yet*, it's just weird how this all came about.

Okay, rest easy, I am done boring you for today. But I make no promises about tomorrow! >=)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Back to Work

Yep, that's right, sadly. It's not that I hate my job, I just miss the freedom I took for granted, freedom that my friends now unknowingly flaunt in front of me. Haha it's not that bad really, I mean, I get money, right? =D

I work at the office of my dad's company. I do bookkeeping, paperwork, filling, finances, all of that fun stuff. Well, I'm definitely not a real bid outdoorsy person, so it's actually a really good job for me. I'm the assistant to the office manager, Robert.

This is my desk:
Yeah, I'm really behind because of my two week excursion to Alaska, as you might be able to tell. Blech. But it's so good to be busy!

Even though I don't feel that way right at the moment...
Right now, all I want to do is nap. And as the company's owner's daughter, I can leave early. >=) Mwahahaha

There you have it, my boring and average job. Sorry guys, nothing exciting in the life of this girl today! =) Keep smiling!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back from Alaska

Well hey guys, I'm back! I know, I know, you're asking, "Who are you?" Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, I'm lame. I didn't have access to a computer while in Alaska, and well, posting from my phone is a pain, so I just didn't do it. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am alive, and that I am back. I will be posting a couple of pictures soon, but right now, I'm catching up on all of my paperwork and stuff at my job. Urg. Just kill me now.