Friday, August 10, 2012

Back to Work

Yep, that's right, sadly. It's not that I hate my job, I just miss the freedom I took for granted, freedom that my friends now unknowingly flaunt in front of me. Haha it's not that bad really, I mean, I get money, right? =D

I work at the office of my dad's company. I do bookkeeping, paperwork, filling, finances, all of that fun stuff. Well, I'm definitely not a real bid outdoorsy person, so it's actually a really good job for me. I'm the assistant to the office manager, Robert.

This is my desk:
Yeah, I'm really behind because of my two week excursion to Alaska, as you might be able to tell. Blech. But it's so good to be busy!

Even though I don't feel that way right at the moment...
Right now, all I want to do is nap. And as the company's owner's daughter, I can leave early. >=) Mwahahaha

There you have it, my boring and average job. Sorry guys, nothing exciting in the life of this girl today! =) Keep smiling!

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