Wednesday, August 15, 2012


No, not that, anything but that!!! *breaks down and cries* I'm too young to die!
*ahem* Okay folks, maybe I'm not THAT dramatic about it really, but seriously, college? Already? When exactly did this whole growing up thing happen? I'm pretty sure I didn't agree to this...

I start college on Monday, and let me tell you, I am pretty nervous-ish. Why I say nervous-ish is because I rarely ever get really *nervous*. Sure, I'll be nervous to the point of twitching on Monday morning, but until then, well, I'm pretty good.

One of the main things that's making me nervous-ish (man, my spell check is hating me at the moment) is finding the places where my classes are. I'm going to a community college, and only two of my classes are at the same place. I think. I've never been to two of the places, I've never even heard of one of them, and I've been to the last one, but I don't know how to get there. *sigh* So, needless to say, I will be starting out on Monday QUITE early to allow for the inevitable event of my getting lost.

It's weird, because a year ago at this time, I wasn't even contemplating college. It was not even really an option. Then I went back to school after being homeschooled for several years, and, heh, Peer Pressure reared its head. Yep, I'm serious, that's the main reason I decided to go to college. Pretty pathetic, right? I'm only human though. *gasp* No! =O Yes yes, it's true. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret my decision *yet*, it's just weird how this all came about.

Okay, rest easy, I am done boring you for today. But I make no promises about tomorrow! >=)


Miss Hatcher said...

College? Wow. I don't think I'll ever feel ready either :)

Pink Panther said...

It's pretty crazy to think about. =)